I've been missing for a few days, here's a quick update of what I was up to.

-Sunday open gym double work for One Man One Barbell, Front Squats and the beginning of week 2 Shoulder Press.
-Monday and Tuesday big time family vacation at Cedar Point for rollercoasters and camping
Wednesday I get back into the gym for week 2 of Deadlifts.  Today's heavy set was 370x3 and EMOM work at 285.  Then followed that up with the programmed WOD for CrossFit Mokena......Grindy....and just like that I died.  Pretty sure I died more than once, and that I only came back so that I could be even more miserable.  This is the first workout in a long time that I really felt like I could do nothing right.  Tonight had a 30 minute cap and I got my first Did Not Finish in a long time.  The bright spot for the day was my Deadlifts for the day.  One thing about CrossFit is that you're not going to do well everyday but when you have those bad days you can always look forward to getting another chance to do better next time.

A few shots from today:

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