Day 2 of the second week of prep is in the books.  Monday's WOD had to be changed due to the storm that made things interesting.  So 200 Situps for time it was, 9:38 not my best, but not horrible either.  I did get a warmup in before the rain hit so a short run and some stretching.  Mobilized a bit afterwards and called it a night.  Tuesday was a trip to Crossfit DNA for the normal programming.   15 Min to do a max box jump, I hit a 40" and then 3rds 400M run and 50 KBS @1.5 a penalty for each break.  I was the first done at 12:42 doing Russian Swings because of my shoulder.   1 penalty for stopping in the third round.  Overall a good day, getting out in the 90F heat to do the work was good too.  I'm starting to feel like I'm getting somewhere with this.  I'm getting the next exam done tomorrow and I'll know where I stand with recovery.  Wondering how long till I get to start the new strength programming.

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