To steal Jon North's tagline: Slam Bars Kill PR's it was my theme for today.  No OMOB programming but instead a good double today of Barbell class in the morning and the afternoon WOD.  After yesterday's shennanigans where my body decided that it didn't like to do work anymore it was great to be in the gym and doing what I feel like I was meant to do.  Become the best version of myself that I can be.  That means working on the parts of my technique that I'm not good at, lifting heavy things daily, and pushing myself past limits that I never thought possible.  Today's PR was was hitting a new best for Split Jerk since the shoulder injury.  I've got a few shots from the morning, I love the work that is captured in these shots.
After some time to recover and watch a little tv it was time for the afternoon workout.  Following the programming for CrossFit Mokena today was a good one.  Strength was 5x1 Deadlift.  I only got 3 reps before I was reminded that I did heavy deadlifts yesterday and that I should rest.  So only one pull over 400.  Not bad and I'll take it, first time I've picked up anything over 400 since before the injury.  

WOD was 
3x400 Meter Run rest 1 minute between.
5 Rds
10 Wallballs
10 Pushups
10 Toes to Bar (I subbed GHD situps because of shoulder)

Total time 17:11
Runs: 1:31/1:24/1:25
Felt great, and I was the first one done, nothing like winning the WOD to brighten up your day.  I'm kidding of course, you can't win the WOD.  Just goes to prove the point that everyday is a new start, and that you can't let what happened yesterday detract from what you may be able to do today.  Get out of your head and get things done.  It's amazing how quickly that the people of CrossFit Mokena have welcomed me in as one of their own.  Now that I'm looking at being away for a little bit for work I'm sad to go.  You have made this place feel like home very quickly, I'm going to be happy to be back when I'm done working down in Springfield.  At the same time I am very happy to be headed back to Capital City and seeing everyone day in and day out again.  

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