For once I'm happy that my job has been deemed "non-essential" I'm off work for the first day since I moved to Springfield.  The grind has taken it's toll but i met it head on and conquered it.  Putting up good numbers in the gym, staying busy and work and keeping my eye on the prize of testing week that will come up in just a few short weeks.  Last week I started phase 3 of One Man One Barbell, this week I kept the ball going with week 2.  When I knew that I would get a couple days off I decided to come home, and today I spent some time with the barbell at CrossFit Mokena.  Heavy set of triples at 225 followed and a 225 hang power clean to get a missed split jerk.  
Felt good to be back with that crew and spend some time just lifting.  It was a day off all around, no MetCon, no OMOB, no work.  Just me and the niece during the day, and me and the barbell at night.  Followed that up with a big dinner, finally getting ahead of this hunger feeling I've been having.  All it took was some massive meals of Broccoli, Shrimp, and Beef.  Now to stay positive as I move forward during this government shutdown.

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