So what happens when you work two jobs, train everyday, and have no internet at home? Well you kind of lose your online presence.  I'll try to update here, but it seems these posts are more and more going to be general progress reports, and my Tumblr/Instagram/Twitter/Facebook will take the brunt of updating because they offer a quicker format, and one that I can do from my phone since Weebly for some reason don't include a friendly posting option on the app.  I got all the training done for the week and even managed to get some good numbers, even while putting in 3 days of 16 hours and a total of 75 working hours for the week.  I am pretty proud of everything and the week felt good.  Deadlifts were good and strong and I believe that I'm set to be really close to getting the 500lb lift when testing comes next month.  As for the other lifts my squat is better and I am keeping better technique throughout the lift.  Fronts are still getting better but they are still way behind.  Seeing myself on video has helped and working mobility has been a big plus too.  From now on I'm going to try to video all the One Man One Barbell work and put together week in review videos.  

Next week I push forward with week 2 of Phase 2. The weight gets heavier, the reps g

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